Ive been looking for ages for a moving map on the ipad and iphone for use with fsx and this is just that with added benefit of being able to view my cockpit from downstairs watching tv when doing a long haul flight.
I do hope this app has further development as i would like to see the following:-
1. Map - I would like the ability to zoom in and out using pinch etc without it refocusing on a standard zoom. This way I can see exactly where in the world I am at present rather than just over a city...
2. Map - I like how it tracks your path, however instead of using lots of pins can you just draw a line like plane finder app does?
3. Screen shots - I like this feature but the updating of each screen shot is not smooth at all, it flashes and reloads every x seconds and doesnt give you can chance to view before its reloading. The reloads causes the screen to lose its image for a second.. Maybe allow screen updates every xx seconds customisable by the user.. Also please get the refresh smooth if possible. It would be nice to see video updates but can understand this may be difficult..
4. Privacy - can you develop the app so its only available to the person doing the flight as not everyone will want their screen shots showing to the Internet. Allow a local wifi connection instead of going over the internet
5. Maps - can you allow satellite and hybrid views and maybe even terrain?
6. Can you show airspeed and alt on the map?
One other review stated that it just didnt work, however mine works fine so please dont assume this is the case.
I look forward to future developments with this app as its great...
mdavenportusa about FSXFollow