I must admit that right after I started using this for the first time, that I was not impressed. However once I dug in a bit deeper to understand it, I was sold. Its now an integral part of my FSX set up. I have a 4 monitor set up with 1 for charts, and the others for display. I also have 15 Saitek components and this now sits by my monitors so I can watch my flight progress. Where I think this is the coolest, is when you are on the ground ay an airport. I zoom in, and clearly shows my position on the runway or the gate. Its cool to watch the progression as I taxi around the airport.
There are a couple of things that I would like to see changed though. The display is locked in the portrait position. I do get why, but it would be nice to have the option for wide screen. If there is a way to adjust that, I have not discovered it yet. Also it would be nice to have some options around the plane icon. Shape, color, size etc.
Other than those two small issues, its now a must have for me, and I would recommend this as a great add on for any FSX simmer.
Deckb about FSXFollow, v2.5